Baby Massage Course
My name is Lianne, i am a certified baby massage practitioner (as well as a newborn & family photographer). I have 3 children of my own and a very relaxed space at my home where i welcome clients for photography & baby massage.
Baby massage is based on the positive benefits of nurturing touch for babies. Touch is your babys most developed sense at birth and through touch you can communicate security, love and trust. Practising baby massage can help both you and your baby relax, and fall in love with eachother.
Baby massage can help soothe and calm your baby, helping with tummy problems, teething pains, colds, congestion and dry skin.
Baby massage is for babies from 8 weeks to crawling.

Private Baby Massage
4 Week Course in clients home or my studio -
Week One
Legs & Feet
Week Two
Tummy (Colic Routine)
Week Three
Chest & Arms
Week Four
Face & Back
2 families Maximum
£120 per family
Please do get in touch for more information.
Baby Massage Work Shop
90 minute session at clients home or in my studio.
Full Baby Massage Routine
Legs & Feet
Arms & Chest
Face & Back
Colic Routine
Please do get in touch for more information.

Drop In Baby Massage
If you have completed a baby massage course with me and would just like to come along for an hour to recap or just take the time to massage out of your own home, or you would like me drop in and lead a massage session with you then please get in touch.